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Went to the city(Rochester)...


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7am Dr appointment...All's AOK...any how ..Really?..... middle of the week and the place was Dead...little traffic on expressways....Hit a Gander MNT and just nobody....talked to a bunch of people I did see along the way...had a lot of stops to make...Were there no deer in NYS last year?...That is all I ever hear...."Yep worst year ever ...never saw anything...finally took small doe"...It's like someone handed out a script....lol

Store and mall parking lots were really sparse...very few ppl in stores...even the Dr's office was very slow compared to normal....hhhmmm should I be disinfecting ? Is the flue that bad??

Is it me or are store isles way bigger and product variety getting WAY smaller every where?

Ohhh deer every where feeding and 4 flock of geese....Flying South...go figure

Edited by growalot
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I was pretty much bee bopping all over...lots of errands to run...ya know I'm only in there once every 6 mos...or so...been going to Corning more now that the daughters down there...Even Highland was slow...I don't think I've ever seen that area slow...very little truck traffic...the gas stations had few ppl..no surprise there with prices...way less than I've seen in the southern teir over the last several months...Maybe it was just due to being Weds....Ya know towns like Avon and Wayland use to close there stores on weds...many many years ago...I never understood that

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I chuckled a little at Rochester being called "the city". We have the worst financial situation of any of the major ny cities, jobs are decreasing and crime increasing. If you're lucky enough to have a good job and live outside the city it's not so bad. The less traffic the better in my book. And that gander mountain in henrietta is a joke. There's nothing there anymore. The one in Tonawanda is/was leaps and bounds better.

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Retailers and resturaunts are seeing the same lack of people out and about in many areas of NY and even worse in other states. I think its a sign of the times and really is the new norm. Home Depots, Lowes, even Wally World have seen huge drops in sales in the last 2 years. Hopefully it rebounds one day or just doesnt get much worse.

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You think things are bad here in Rottechester, you should see it down in the Tampa/St Pete area in Florida. Compared to just 6 or 7 years ago, its almost unrecognizable in spots. Probably half of the non chain restaurants, gone. Retails stores other than chains, in bad shape. When I went down there last year and then this year, there are entire office complexes half built and just abandoned. Its bad down there.

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