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Bow for 4years old


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Not too young at all. There are a bunch of them out there for kids that young. My daughter got her Diamond Nuclear Ice when she was 5. It can be turned down to 10lbs and all the way up to 29lbs, with a draw length of 14 to 24 inches. Once you get it setup, they are pretty darn accurate.

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Actually please do your self and your daughter a favor and ask your pediatrician before hand...well have your wife ask.....I just had a talk with my Dr. about my shoulder pain...he mentioned that any damage caused at a young age shows up as you age...that's why they suggest not swinging your kids by the arms and certain gymnastic exercises...this is a critical time for joint...ligament and muscle development... ...Just a suggestion...it couldn't hurt...

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Parker and Bow tech both make grow with me bows. You can upgrade the limbs for heavier poundage over the years. I bought my daughter the Parker over the Bow Tech as one downside of the Bow Tech was you have to send it back to the company to upgrade the limbs, and the Parker you can do at your local bow shop.

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