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Tank repair

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Husbands bike fell over some how and i had a few things happen to my bike i need help with, please.
I have 2 scratches on my tank, bike is 7 yrs old so i don't need it perfect but it will be nice for others not to notice it. I have the touch up paint and clear coat for it. Does anyone know how to do this and might be able to tell me how? here are 2 pics. The second pic is the one next to my middle finger, the one next to seat is a light scratch. I should say that i will be doing this on my own and know nothing about it



Edited by paula
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I can't tell how deep the scratches are from the pics

if it is only through the clear coat you can try a light - med rubbing compound do not use a lot of force & do a little at a time you do not want to burn through the paint then clear coat over it

If it is into the paint it is a litlle more work look here


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If the scratch doesn't go down to metal you may be able to fix it .First sand the area lightly with 1000 grit wet sandpaper [black] then if its not gouged too deep add  little primer to build up the scratch to the level of the paint  then sand primer lightly and touch up paint then clear after it dries compound area to a shine . This may help but it all depends on how deep the scratch is ...sometimes a paint shop is the only answer....

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You can see 2 tiny spots but at this point i am ok with it. this is what it looked like yesterday, a white hue look. While i was at work my husband talked to someone and i guess all it needed was a buff and he took it there because we don't have a buffer.


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