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Turkey Hunter Bit by Snake!


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Wow he got hit hard... I never heard of a kit like that, good thin he had one. Just thinking of the makes me cringe, I'm sure the pain that comes after that bite is pretty dang painful. Atleast he was able to pull himself together enough and try and calm down so his adrenaline didn't push the venom around fast.

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I couldn't imagine running into one of them... You would see the punk in me come out real quick. Hah

Here's a diamondback rattler my guide in Arizona killed the week before I was there. He is 6'3" by the way. He said in the summer months, he kills 6+ each day. They also strike after being dead. So weird...

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Snake bite kits are a sham. They remove little to no venom. Also rattlesnake bites are usually not lethal in healthy adults. Most deaths are from children being bitten. The doctor had no clue what he was talking about.



really? never heard that, can you explain how its not as lethal in healthy adults? kind of curious


i would think if treated with anti venom in tan allotted time it wouldn't be as lethal but once the venom starts to circulate is causes serious tissue damage and after so long its non repairable no?


i did see on TV that some snake when they hit dry bite which doesnt release venom but does still require treatment.

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Snake bite kits are a sham. They remove little to no venom. Also rattlesnake bites are usually not lethal in healthy adults. Most deaths are from children being bitten. The doctor had no clue what he was talking about.


Sorry bud if you get bit and dont get help quick ur in trouble... the reason there not usualy fatal is cause of it being treated not cause it dont affect ppl... (unless im not understanding you)


from wiki:


Effect of bites on humans

When a bite occurs the amount of venom injected is under voluntary control by the snake. The amount released depends on a variety of factors including the condition of the snake (e.g. having long, healthy fangs and a full venom sack) and its temperament (an angry, hungry snake that has just been stepped on vs. a satiated snake that was merely surprised by walking near it).[69] Approximately 20% of bites result in no envenomation at all. A lack of burning pain and edema 38 in (1 cm) away from the fang marks after 1 hour suggests that either no or minimal envenomation occurred. A lack of edema or erythema in the area of the bite after 8 hours indicates a lack of envenomation for most rattlesnake bites.[70]Rattlesnake bites are rarely fatal to humans if treated promptly.[30] An estimated 7,000 to 8,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes in the United States each year with approximately five deaths.[67] The most important factor in survival following a severe envenomation is the amount of time elapsed between the bite and treatment. Most deaths occur between 6 and 48 hours after the bite. If antivenom treatment is given within 2 hours of the bite, however, the probability of recovery is greater than 99%.[68]

Common symptoms include swelling, severe pain, tingling, weakness, anxiety, nausea and vomitinghemorrhagingperspiration, and eventually heart failure.[69][71] Local pain following envenomation is often intense, increasing with the ensuing edema.[69] Children generally experience more severe symptoms because they receive a larger amount of venom per unit of body mass.[70]

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venom is biologically taxing for the snake to produce, and its used to secure food,  while some bites will harm  adults, most would be considered "dry" no, or not much venom injected,   but merely the snale saying , hey asshat I"m here get away from me, and  then bites

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