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This is Why The Obama administration didn't want Gun Statistics

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To think about everything else going on in the world, our president will not stop talking about guns.


How about Mr.President you help out with:

1)Fuel prices

2)North Korea

3)Our economy


5)GOV spending: pathetic...

6) I could go on and on but I think you get the point...


SO much of an agenda spent on worthless laws that will not stop any of these crazy people from killing, guese what the crazy people do not care about laws or what weapon they use. 


Ban guns they will use a knife, bomb, car or other weapon of mass destruction.  Point is banning gun's or 30 round mags will not stop crazy or a criminal.


Wonder how many years it will take them to figure this out. 


Wonder how history will reflect on the horrible politics justified due to multiple crazy people and yes I am talking about the ones in office.

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They've already figured it out. Gun control is a diversionary tactic to make voters think they are doing something useful, and is intended to keep voters minds off of the significant issues that they are doing nothing about.

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The American public is easily distracted by the next new shiny bauble or trinket they see. When is our government going to tackle the meaty issues like NFA-ADK mentions?

Too much effort required. It's a lot easier to focus on the emotional issues and wage a war on an inanimate object, and look like a hero. That's good for votes and conceals ineptitude on the more vital issues.

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