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Today my buddy shot a 4 point buck just before dark.  It ran straight back from where it came from turned right out of sight and weezed twice.  Very loudly I could here it from my stand atleast 100 yards away.  Let it sit about half and hour went to where we thought it was hit and found no blood and no arrow.  Walked a little farther and still no blood.  My buddy told me the deer just about flipped over itself when he hit it.  By now its pitch black out and were letting it sit.  We really have no choice and are praying coyotes don't get it.  Im wondering if anyone thinks the deer was weezing because it was dying or just ticked cause it got hit.  I kind of think he might not have hit it in a good spot.  We are heading back tomorow to look again.  Any info on this is greatly appreciated.  Other than that it was a great day and saw 10 deer total between me my buddy and my dad.  3 buck but the 4 point was the biggest. 

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the deer could have weezed out of distress or a warning to other deer. i would have given the deer more then 30 minutes assuming the hunter did not know the degree of the hit and also did not see the deer go down or give sign of a stumble. its better you let him lay over night, its cool enough to not worry much about the meat. yotes are a different story, get in the in the morn and seach for blood, exhaust everyu avenue you can to do so. i hope you make the revover on your deer and i also hope the deer is not found by the yotes. goodluck to you!

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Broadside shot not sure were it hit the deer I was not there when he shot it and I'm just going on what he told me.  It did fall to the ground after it flipped up.  However it got back up and ran away.  Where we are thinking it died is very tall goldenrod and will be tough to check.  Gonna get out there in the morning and  march over every spec of ground it could have even had a chance of touching.  I hate these situations but I am confident we can find it.  Just was wondering about the weezing aspect.  Also my uncle said he has not seen a coyote in a couple years I'm hoping we get lucky.  Thank you for the help!!!!

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It all depends on what you are calling a "Wheezing" sound. That might have been the traditional warning "blowing noise" that deer let out when they are disturbed. Or it might have been something that I have never heard or heard of , that might indicate a wound or something. That probably is not as important as locating the hit location and defining the direction of where the deer went and where it was last sighted, and trying like crazy to locate that first blood.

But the thing is that you just have to back to basics and put to use all the blood-trailing skills that you learned in the bowhunter training course.


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Yep thats what were doing tomorow morning.  Starting from square one and go from there.  From where it was shot to were the weezing was heard was not to far.  I have a good feeling it is somewhere in that thick stuff/goldenrod.  I just really hope we find it.  Anyways thanks again and good luck!!!

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Did not find it.  We found the first blood where it was hit and it was a very weak trail for only 10 yards or so.  Right where the deer turned left we found the arrow with the tip broke off of it and no blood what so ever on the arrow.  Really feel like it was a shoulder shot.  Looked all over for more blood and hoping we might get lucky and run into it.  It really sucks it just leaves an empty pit in my stomach.  I'm hoping the deer could still be alive and just maybe we will get a shot at it before the season is over. 

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Same here a buddy of my dads shot a doe one shotgun season and when he was skinning it found a broadhead in the shoulder.  These animals are crazy strong Ive heard a story of one getting hit by two slugs during a deer push and it was never found.  Granted I'm sure that deer did die but I was told the blood trail just stopped.  It sucks but experience is the best teacher in my opinion!!!!!!

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