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Look what I taught him what to do?


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This is the Mom in me...my brother was about that size and Dad thought being out there watching made it safe....until Johny pulled back toward himself and his foot slipped on the damp cut grass...they found his big toe and put it back on...but not his second toe...just food for thought......

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 I remember when I was a little kid My dad let me hold the weed wacker and do some wacking as long as he was nearby. ... Well as soon as I took control of that weed wacker I lost control. I pulled the throttle and the torque from it swung the business end back toward my dad and I weed wacked a good portion of hair and skin off the inside of his calf. After that I wasn't allowed to use the lawn equipment for some years later

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I remember when I was a little kid My dad let me hold the weed wacker and do some wacking as long as he was nearby. ... Well as soon as I took control of that weed wacker I lost control. I pulled the throttle and the torque from it swung the business end back toward my dad and I weed wacked a good portion of hair and skin off the inside of his calf. After that I wasn't allowed to use the lawn equipment for some years later

Ouch! Yeah. No weed whacker for my kid. Still learning the mower and more importantly going in straight lines. Lol!

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Ouch! Yeah. No weed whacker for my kid. Still learning the mower and more importantly going in straight lines. Lol!

LOL........got my son mowing the lawn this summer............all I could do to bite my tongue with his erratic lines and all the missed spots.

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So when is he gonna learn to vaccuum the pool?

Ha! He's lucky we don't have one! He's going to panting our fence next weekend and I'm going to be Mr Miyagi.

nice vid, i was about that age when i started cutting lawn. start em early lol... besides, gives them a break from those dang video games

You said it Geno! I'm Sooooo tired of hearing him all summer long yelling with his friends on the xbox. Edited by Deerthug
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He asked to do chores/projects to save up for a new laptop. So far he helped me move my office, painted my daughter's room, he cuts the lawn, and will be painting the fence soon. My wife and I did not blink because we knew it would get him off the Xbox. He's earned $200 so far.

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Ha! He's lucky we don't have one! He's going to panting our fence next weekend and I'm going to be Mr Miyagi.

You said it Geno! I'm Sooooo tired of hearing him all summer long yelling with his friends on the xbox.

OMG my parents do the same with my younger brother and his Xbox crap lol

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Ha! He's lucky we don't have one! He's going to panting our fence next weekend and I'm going to be Mr Miyagi.

You said it Geno! I'm Sooooo tired of hearing him all summer long yelling with his friends on the xbox.


So this is who my kid has been yelling back at all summer long on that stupid xbox. 

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