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Herb Philipson has come to the area


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Good store for certain products. The prices on firearms are solid for a retail store. You can also find deals on certain items...for example, my SST/sabots for the ML are anywhere from $2-5 cheaper regular price than any place else.


Of course, some items, such as stands/game cams, are over-priced. But, it's a good store. Lots of selection in the Newark store, but I get the impression they had to cram in more than the sq. ft allowed. The aisles are very small in the hunting section.

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I work in Syracuse a few times a month, and stop by their stores there quite a bit, pretty satatasified with their prices and selection, so been patiently waiting for the Newark store to open.


Stopped by the Newark Store last week, and was very surprised at the number of firearms they had; figured with the UNsafe act, they would be shying away.



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