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Sept 10th


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It’s 9 days (sat till following sun), and bow no, but crossbow maybe (for the second one).  You don’t need to wear the orange hat with that (or with a bow) and I have one stand too close to other’s buildings to use a gun (401 ft away, from the closest one and a crossbow only needs to be 250 ft away, bow is 100 ft, and gun is 500 ft). 

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43 minutes ago, wolc123 said:

It’s 9 days (sat till following sun), and bow no, but crossbow maybe (for the second one).  You don’t need to wear the orange hat with that (or with a bow) and I have one stand too close to other’s buildings to use a gun (401 ft away, from the closest one and a crossbow only needs to be 250 ft away, bow is 100 ft, and gun is 500 ft). 

I thought bow was 150

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11 minutes ago, Kmartinson said:

I thought bow was 150 ?


That is correct, I just googled it to verify.  I was mistaken with the 100.  I don’t use my bow any more so I was not up to date on the current regs. 

I think the 150/250 ft difference was some type of compromise/settlement with the anti-crossbow NYB lobbyist group, back in 2014, when crossbows were first legalized for the peak two weeks of the rut in the sz and the last 3 days of archery season in the nz.  They must be based up north and have a little more pull up there.  

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14 hours ago, wolc123 said:


That is correct, I just googled it to verify.  I was mistaken with the 100.  I don’t use my bow any more so I was not up to date on the current regs. 

I think the 150/250 ft difference was some type of compromise/settlement with the anti-crossbow NYB lobbyist group, back in 2014, when crossbows were first legalized for the peak two weeks of the rut in the sz and the last 3 days of archery season in the nz.  They must be based up north and have a little more pull up there.  

Not sure, just know when your hunting more urban areas you need to be really sure because the cops are on thier way. Lol

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