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Teatown has chosen to pay sharpshooters


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Fellow Bowhunters,

 I recently learned that Teatown Lake Reservation in Ossining NY has applied for a Deer Damage Permit with the NYSDEC which would enable them to bait and shoot deer sometime during the months of January or February of 2014. Teatown is a 1,000 acre nature preserve located in Westchester County whose mission is to conserve open space and to educate and involve the regional community in order to sustain the diversity of wildlife, plants and habitats for future generations. Teatown has chosen to pay sharpshooters who will bait and kill the deer, instead of allowing the public the opportunity to manage the herd through Bowhunting. We need your help to discourage the NYSDEC from issuing this Deer Damage Permit to Teatown Lake Reservation. Below is a letter that was drafted to show the NYSDEC our disapproval in the decision that Teatown has made.

 Nathan Ermer, Thomas Rafaldi, Ted Kerpez
 NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation
 21 South Putt Corners Road
 New Paltz, NY 12561-1696

 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]


 It has come to my attention that Teatown Lake Reservation has applied, or will be applying for, a Deer Damage Permit. I am against the issuing of such a permit, for any landowner, unless the landowner allows hunting on the property. Teatown does not. Their claimed concern of possible conflicts with hikers is unfounded – the County of Westchester allows Bowhunting on five public parks, all allowing hiking and other uses to go on simultaneously, with no problems between the hunting and non-hunting public.

 The whitetail deer is a resource owned by the People of the State of New York, not individual landowners. Deer Damage Permits should be limited to only landowners who respect that right by allowing hunting on their property.

 Please keep me informed as to Teatown’s application process. Thank you for your time



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