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Who posts a potential new WR and isn't joking?


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The OG's sheds have surfaced. The indications are that the deer itself is real and free range.


Around what page on the AT thread does it state that?  I stopped reading it around page 120 or so and don't really feel like thumbing through the next 50.


As far as OG, it was always believed to be real from the original poster (not OB who posted about it originally).  That is one hell of a buck if its legit.

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If the deer breeding business is anything like the cattle breeding business, then yes, I would take FSW's word for it.



How much do you think it'd be worth as a "World Record B&C" buck? 




Mind boggling fame and fortune to the "lucky" shooter.



What's the consensus on the other forums, do they think those sheds are from a FR buck?

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There's plenty of doubt for sure considering what the one guy did, but he was not the one who originally posted pictures either. There have also been quite a few wild bucks that are a bit bigger, so I personally wouldn't be surprised either way, but give the deer 70/30 odds of being legit.

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Then it MUST be legit if you haven't heard about it?



If you had a clue you would know different. That buck is worth more alive than dead and if that was on a farm there is no way it would have stayed under the radar. 1/2cc straw would bring in the 3 grand area, one draw gets ya 50 to 150 straws! Ya think about it!!

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If you had a clue you would know different. That buck is worth more alive than dead and if that was on a farm there is no way it would have stayed under the radar. 1/2cc straw would bring in the 3 grand area, one draw gets ya 50 to 150 straws! Ya think about it!!


Man thats just disturbing to be honest, no disrespect to what you do. As I said in the past if people want to pay hey who am I to stop them.

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And its not even a world record breaker after all that BS about OG and OB lmfao.  If its a legit FR and not a HF buck its going to have junk all over it this year.  Which means? OG isnt going to break the World Record.  Pathetic what some will do for fame and fortune and the length of lies played out.  I for one wouldnt back any one of those guys word without laying my own eyes on it. Just because someone has there own online video segements or been on the cover of NAW, has some pictures of big deer, has articles written about them, preaches there religion, yada yada yada really doesnt mean squat when it comes to backing up what they claim. These guys just like Chad Tefft proves that for us.  Someone watched too many re-runs of Lee and Tiffany.  Where I come from we call these guys wannabes.   

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And its not even a world record breaker after all that BS about OG and OB lmfao.  If its a legit FR and not a HF buck its going to have junk all over it this year.  Which means? OG isnt going to break the World Record.  Pathetic what some will do for fame and fortune and the length of lies played out.  I for one wouldnt back any one of those guys word without laying my own eyes on it. Just because someone has there own online video segements or been on the cover of NAW, has some pictures of big deer, has articles written about them, preaches there religion, yada yada yada really doesnt mean squat when it comes to backing up what they claim. These guys just like Chad Tefft proves that for us.  Someone watched too many re-runs of Lee and Tiffany.  Where I come from we call these guys wannabes.   


A Wannabe to who though? I mean the only people they fooled were fools lapping up this story. I guess I would be more inclined to be involved and excited if it was say a NY buck.  Don't get me wrong I get excited about a big buck like anyone else, but I get excited about local big bucks.  I never was into the out of state scene for some reason, I get excited about bucks in my area and NY in general. 

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If you had a clue you would know different. That buck is worth more alive than dead and if that was on a farm there is no way it would have stayed under the radar. 1/2cc straw would bring in the 3 grand area, one draw gets ya 50 to 150 straws! Ya think about it!!


OK Skipper Bettis, then back to the original question.  Why would someone with sheds like that even post a picture on the 'net?


Clue me in.

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A Wannabe to who though? I mean the only people they fooled were fools lapping up this story. I guess I would be more inclined to be involved and excited if it was say a NY buck.  Don't get me wrong I get excited about a big buck like anyone else, but I get excited about local big bucks.  I never was into the out of state scene for some reason, I get excited about bucks in my area and NY in general. 


Edit as i read this wrong.

A wannabe in there own minds.  I honestly believe as I know a couple guys from race car drivers, "professional" fisherman and a mechanic whos stories and how they proceed to be better than others make stuff up cause they think it empowers them or something.  Its sad but if they live in there fantasy long enough I think they start to believe its true.  I guess I would say there is a bit of wanting to be the best at something in all of us.  Just some take it over the top. 

Edited by wdswtr
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No no no lol,  Not the guys that were fooled.  The fools that watch too many hunting shows and make up lies to make themselves out to be something they are not by telling stories, spreading lies, buying antlers off the internet and claiming them as there own, posting picture after picture of there fiance/girlfriend/wife like a tool etc.  Them are the guys who are WANNABES.  They want to be something they are not so bad they go to no end to fake who they are.  I know and met a few people like this in other fashions than hunting, off the top of my head I know a race car driver, a "professional" fisherman a car mechanic whos stories are unreal.  Wannabes lol


No I know what you meant :) I agree. I guess I was just adding to what you said. 


For what its worth, I'm a professional, not sure at what yet tho.

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No I know what you meant :) I agree. I guess I was just adding to what you said. 


For what its worth, I'm a professional, not sure at what yet tho.

LOL you were quoting while I was editing.  Nothing wrong with being a professional at something, its how you proceed with that title is a different story. Someone should tell these Proffessional fakes or liars that it isnt a good profession to get into though lmao.  I agree though its cool to want to be a part of a good story even if its thats just reading it on the internet.  But I wouldnt personally get sucked into being a "quiver sniffer"  ( I love that quote ) without personal confirmation of truth and fact about somebody I know nothing about other than what they type on a keyboard lol.


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You brought up if it was a NY buck.  The class and quantity of bucks in Ohio vs NY is unreal.  Could you imagine if OB was in NY with his bold claims of all those big bucks hes killed. Funny how if you took the big bad hunter out of the big bad hunting area and stuck the guy in NY how many would of screamed High Fence Hunter right from the start.  I have a relative who is in college in Ohio.  Born and raised right here, first day out bowhunting in Ohio kills a 13 point.  The family here at home is drueling over his deer yet his buddies who live in Ohio says that just a normal Ohio buck.  I dont think hes going to come home and find deer hunting here much fun anymore lol.

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Well remember that deer from two years ago, the guy killed it at a high fence, dragged it back to his woods.  He gutted it there, then tried to get it scored.


Sure do. His story he told lasted what? 2 days before he was busted.  Pathetic at best.

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Well remember that deer from two years ago, the guy killed it at a high fence, dragged it back to his woods.  He gutted it there, then tried to get it scored.

Do you also remember what his rack looked like. Broomed points! Flat points! Fat Round points!  All signs of bucks sticking their heads in the feeder while in velvet!!!  Does the rack in question here have any of these?

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Do you also remember what his rack looked like. Broomed points! Flat points! Fat Round points!  All signs of bucks sticking their heads in the feeder while in velvet!!!  Does the rack in question here have any of these?


So you know what type of feeder every Deer Farm in Ohio uses?  Is it at all possible that some farmers may be aware of this phenominom and dont use them?  Im not saying the thing is free range or high fence by any means, but sorry a couple pictures on the internet sure as heck doesnt even come close to determining where this buck comes from.  Everyone not directly involved can take all the wild guesses they want, bottom line its still just a guess.

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So you know what type of feeder every Deer Farm in Ohio uses?  Is it at all possible that some farmers may be aware of this phenominom and dont use them?  Im not saying the thing is free range or high fence by any means, but sorry a couple pictures on the internet sure as heck doesnt even come close to determining where this buck comes from.  Everyone not directly involved can take all the wild guesses they want, bottom line its still just a guess.

You betcha. I dont care either way. All im saying that if that buck was on a farm in the big deer farming state of Ohio and no other farmer knew about it i would eat my hat. They just dont stay hid like that in our world. That buck is worth much more alive than dead. 

 But yes i guess anything is possible!!

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Theres only one way the world is going to find out and thats if this buck is put on the ground.  If its HF the internet is going to explode lol.  As far as caliber of deer goes on Deer Farms where does this one stack up anyhow?  Curious mostly because its seems rather on the small side of some of the pictures of HF deer and why?  I would bet it hits non typical status this year which would put it on what caliber of HF deer status?

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Theres only one way the world is going to find out and thats if this buck is put on the ground.  If its HF the internet is going to explode lol.  As far as caliber of deer goes on Deer Farms where does this one stack up anyhow?  Curious mostly because its seems rather on the small side of some of the pictures of HF deer and why?  I would bet it hits non typical status this year which would put it on what caliber of HF deer status?



I hope some Amish guy gets it and no one ever finds out :)

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I hope some farmer shoots it bald tonight with a red tag because everyone is so hung up on horns they don't care about population management...

This whole thing stinks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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A Wannabe to who though? I mean the only people they fooled were fools lapping up this story. I guess I would be more inclined to be involved and excited if it was say a NY buck.  Don't get me wrong I get excited about a big buck like anyone else, but I get excited about local big bucks.  I never was into the out of state scene for some reason, I get excited about bucks in my area and NY in general. 


I agree. But mostly because those bucks aren't attainable. But I salivated at some huge bucks I had on cam because they were attainable.

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No I know what you meant :) I agree. I guess I was just adding to what you said. 


For what its worth, I'm a professional, not sure at what yet tho.


the purest definition of professional vs amateur is that someone is willing to pay you for whatever it is you're doing.

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