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Some times you get lucky!!!


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Wow another great day with seeing bucks on the move.  Me and my hunting partner just got permission from my uncle to put a stand in a certain tree.  Well anyways my buddy is up in the tree cutting away at some branches to make shooting room.  He turns around and he said he saw a huge ten point just looking up at him.  Well out of bow range even though he didn't even have his bow with him.  The deer never spooked though and just went on his route.  It was about 3 30 when we finally got the stand set and were ready to hunt.  A light rain started and I wasn't really expecting a lot of movement.  I can see my buddy in his stand about 150 yards away and I saw him shoot at about 6.  I made my way to him and he said the deer was quartered away and he put the arrow in front of the hind leg.  So at this point i'm thinking if the deer was facing away he might have clipped a lung but we need to give him so time.  We walked down to where he shot and saw some decent blood but nothing to be to excited about.  Waited about 45 mins and went in a little farther and the blood trail continued.  After about 30 yards there was a blood trail was better then as seen on tv lol.  We decided to keep on it even though there was no bubbles and we weren't exactly sure the shot hit at this point.  There was enough blood where we figured it couldn't have gone to far and was most likely dead.  Its pitch black out now so we can't put another arrow in it if we find it stumbling some where.  We went about another 30 yards and can see the illuminknock lit up.  (honestly I'm going to buy them next year they really help).  We shine the light and can't see a deer.  We waited there for about 20 minutes just in case the deer was there and wasn't dead.  The lighted knock didn't move and inch and we decided to move in.  We closed the distance to about 15 or 20 yards and could see the deer was down.  I nice little 4 point.  Well when we get up to the deer we see that the arrow is straight in the deers left butt cheek.  I have no clue how the arrow ended up goin in like that or how there was a blood trail like that.  My buddy must have hit some kind of artery or something.  When gutting it as soon as the knift cut skin blood just poured out.  Anyways as the title states sometimes you get lucky.  If we knew exactly where the arrow hit the deer we would have waiting until moring even with the blood trail and rain.  What a day and even with just being a 4 pt. it is a great deer and has a great story.  Sorry to be long winded but I'm just completly amazed at how fast the deer died with how it was hit.

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I'm sorry LOL!!!!  It was dark when we found him and all we had were cell phones.  I will be able to take a better picture on Sat.  The only bad thing is my buddy isn't going to be there because he has to work.  I will have to skin and quarter it then to so he won't be in a good picture.  ??? ??? ???   

Def. was like someone put a paint can on the ground and it was raining out. 

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