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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by gundeck

  1. Awesome shot. My first deer this years was a clean pass through of the heart. I couldn't believe the blood trail (short as it was).
  2. I have to believe that (just based on numbers of hunters) there are more wounded deer from gun hunters. The big thing with gun hunters is that often, if the deer does not drop on the shot, they don't even bother to check if they hit it. If it runs away, it is assumed that they missed. How many of you have emptied your quiver on a deer? I don't know how many times I have heard the three or four shot salvo. Enough said. I will get off my soapbox now.
  3. Great story and congrats on the deer! Actually, Elmo, they do have $1000 bills, but they are only used by the Federal Reserve generally for international transactions.
  4. Climbed up in my stand last year before daylight. Got settled in and waited for light. As it started to get to the point I could see, I looked over to see something moving in the tree next to me (about 15 feet away). A little more light and I realized it was a Tom turkey roosted for the night! He paced back and forth on that branch for about 15 minutes trying to figure out what I was, how I got there, and how HE was getting the heck out of there! I also had a stray cat follow me into the woods on the first day of deer season a few years back. She was sitting ON my boots when I shot my deer that morning. Four deer walked within 20 feet of me.
  5. Certainly doesn't mean it is legal. As mentioned in an earlier thread, I HAVE passed on a deer because it was too early. When I first started hunting over thirty years ago, my father made sure I knew how important it was to know the time and try to be legal at all times. It only takes a couple of morons to make life rough for legal hunters.
  6. I agree. The guy is out of line and should be following the rules. That said, I have a police gun range about 1000 yards from my stand and regularly hear automatic gun fire. It never seems to bother the deer.
  7. First, I think I would laugh my butt off, but then, I would probably go hunt it down because I sure as heck don't want that breeding on my property!!
  8. We have just a "cheap" $100 unit we picked up years ago. It is nothing fancy, but has gone through hundreds of pounds of burger and sausage without an issue. The key is to keep the blades and the plate tight together. (I believe it is a Rival.)
  9. I just have one thing to say....DANG!
  10. You should be in my area. I hunt behind my house on a little 42 acre plot. About 1500 yards from my stand is the county law enforcement gun range. This weekend (first weekend of bow) it sounded like a combat zone. Lots of automatic rifle fire. Didn't matter, I saw a lot of deer over the weekend. They are used to it.
  11. Did two last night. Lots of sausage, etc in the freezer today. One smaller deer and one very large doe. We got just under a hundred pounds of meat (yes, we weigh it all) when all was said and done. We were very happy with that.
  12. Shot my deer at about 15 yards Saturday morning with a Muzzy 100 grain, 3 blade. It went about 50 yards and crashed. I waited about a half hour and got down to check it. When I retrieved my arrow, the spot looked like the deer's heart had exploded. When I field dressed it, I found out why. My shot was just a touch low and went in one side of the heart and out the other. I am amazed it ran that far. Adrenaline is an amazing thing!
  13. Went out with my son (his first year) Saturday morning. Our first mission (per my wife) is to restock our venison. Not more than 15 minutes after sunrise, two "doe" came up the trail. My son shot at the first, but she ducked the shot and he shot right over her back. She ran a few yards and stopped in some brush. The second deer walked a couple more steps and I took a shot. Meat for the freezer. (More on that story later.) Sunday, we went out and about 8:30, three deer came down what we call "the corridor". The first (and largest) doe came right past the stand and provided a great quartering shot for my son at 15 yards. He took his time and made a nice shot. (A little forward, but good enough.) She went about a hundred yards where we found her later. She is the biggest doe I have seen in a LONG time! He is so excited and I couldn't be prouder.
  14. Well, yesterday (despite the crappy weather), I got a nice sized button buck with my son sitting next to me in the treestand. (He shot over a doe just minutes before.) This morning, he dropped a beautiful doe (his first) at 15 yards with his Diamond Edge bow!
  15. Yes, he can return it to you, or he can give to another hunter (who must then record it in his "DMP tags received" slot. See here: http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/10000.html
  16. Hunt turkey, or shoot turkey?? There is a difference, you know.
  17. You have had no representation for a long, long time. You don't make nearly enough money to be represented.
  18. May your memories of her provide a bright light in this moment of darkness.
  19. What?!? Your grandkids can't fish? LOL Congrats!
  20. Anyone seen the "arrow roulette" in the movie Grown Ups? How many times do you think this happens (the game, not the arrow in the head) a year? Sometimes people just don't think.
  21. Yes, it is true. First, the dealership does business with the Bears franchise, so it is not "just another" dealership. Second, if Illinois law is like NY law, you can be terminated at any time for any reason AS LONG AS 1) the firing does not violate the companies own policies and 2) you are not on family leave or medical leave.
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