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I got lucky this afternoon


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So around 1pm this after noon I r. Sharon springs these two came 25yrds from my stand I Shot the big one first with my arrow he ran about 95 yards into the field the little one didn't budge just she just stared in the direction where the noise came from I managed to get my arrow set on the bow and took her out with headshot

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Um, There are currently no open deer seasons in New York State.  Late Bow/MZ season ended Tuesday 12/17.  Please don't tell me you're admitting to poaching after the season ended. 

LI is still open...........please don't tell me you're admitting to not knowing what you're talking about.

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Um, There are currently no open deer seasons in New York State.  Late Bow/MZ season ended Tuesday 12/17.  Please don't tell me you're admitting to poaching after the season ended. 


Why don't people research the facts before opening their mouths?  It is still open on LI and in Westchester till the end of the year.

Besides he didn't even mention where he was hunting.  Could be out of state as well.

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So around 1pm this after noon I r. Sharon springs these two came 25yrds from my stand I Shot the big one first with my arrow he ran about 95 yards into the field the little one didn't budge just she just stared in the direction where the noise came from I managed to get my arrow set on the bow and took her out with headshot

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 Says right here he was in Sharon Springs

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He just wrote about hunting on LI yesterday, and how crowded it was. So if that was yesterday I believe that he was on LI today, and wrote it wrong...I can't imagine that he hunted all day here and then went home, packed and hunted up there this morning.


Congrats again, glad that you weren't bothered by anyone today.. I assumed that you were Otis Pike yesterday, and today Rocky point.

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It was on accident but I do hunt in Sharon springs during the reg season it was just an accident calm down big guy typos happen . I posted a new topic yesterday about my first time hunting in rocky point go check it out

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second time hunting there and you got two, lucky man. I hunted out there twice and saw nothing but white tail tails


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Why don't people research the facts before opening their mouths?  It is still open on LI and in Westchester till the end of the year.

Besides he didn't even mention where he was hunting.  Could be out of state as well.



I know LI and Westchester have funky seasons, but he said in his first post that it was in Sharon Springs, which is in the SZ in Schoharie County and there's no big game seasons open today.

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I know LI and Westchester have funky seasons, but he said in his first post that it was in Sharon Springs, which is in the SZ in Schoharie County and there's no big game seasons open today.


after hunting an entire day and not getting anything, packing all your stuff back up and going four or five hours upstate hunting and coming five or six hours in traffic on Saturday home.


the last thing I or anyone else I know would do is hang a dear and get on the computer.


me... im going to sleep.

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