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Always have some company


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My son has been spending time with me in the stand this year (we have a two-seater).  It has been great, but even when he decides to sleep in, I have had plenty of company (usually squirrels).  Well, Saturday morning I work my way up into the stand around 6:30.  I noticed a shadow in the tree about 15 yards from me, but thought it was a squirrel nest at first.  As it got more daylight, I noticed it was a big old Tom roosted in the tree.  He was about my height (in the stand) so I was looking right across at him.  He sat up there for about an hour before he flew down and headed off.  It was funny watching him walk around trying to figure out his flight path to the ground.  I was amazed he didn't see me (or at least didn't let on).  I was actually surprised he didn't fly out of the roost when I walked in.  It has been a very interesting season so far, to say the least.

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We have a permanent stand built between four trees with the fourth being cut eye level.  A few years ago, on opening day of gun season I got into it well before first light and waited for shooting hour. Well first light came and I noticed something on the cut off tree in front of me. I grabbed it and found out it was a rabbit foot. Nothing else just a rabbit foot, just like one you would buy. I figured an owl must have grabbed it and left it on my tree. I got real excited because I figured it must be my lucky day, but found out an hour later it wasent when a missed a big eight point.

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