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Ugly question


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What on earth would we do if there was a proven case or two in NYS of CWD or some other deadly deer disease being fatally passed to humans, maybe even some disease that we don't even know about yet. You know that big game license sales in NY would drop to zero. How would deer herds be contained? 

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So out west Eagles were dying. They were eating birds infected with west niles disease and it killed them. I shot a deer years ago that was liver shot. I found it 7 hours later. The only reason I found it was because the crows were pecking at the wound. Lets say that deer was still alive while those birds were feeding on it and passed a disease to it and in return passed it to me. I actually called DEC and told them about the scenario and they said not to worry. I'm still here but you never know. How would deer herds be contained, don't know, shoot them and burn them..........I wouldn't want to gut one.

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city/suburban folk care nothing about deer when deer start to affect them.  I'm sure temporary fences or barricades would be put up at the NYS border.  where it's more level and open  they'd hire out excavation companies to dig trenches to keep the deer in and instead head away from the border.  NYS would order a shoot on sight but keep your distance until the caracass(es) could be collected.  they'd even probably have the national guard and LEOs go shooting them with their AR-15 rifles.  they will blast away not realizing they're loaded up with FMJ rounds.  lots of deer will suffer from being wounded.  the state will then be quarantined and despite not showing any other danger it will still be illegal to take game or have venison or deer mounts in your possession.  even great grandpy's buck that clearly looks old as the hills.  NYS will simply say it's deer remains and it has to go.  then Cuomo will say there's no way to hunt deer so you don't need guns to hunt deer as they can be used as "assault weapons".  they will be banned too, but "everybody will be safe as there's no scary deer or guns to harm you.  Now vote for me (Cuomo) for President."

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