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Choosing the Youth Turkey Hunt Contest Winner


Choosing Youth Turkey Hunt Winner?  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I choose the winner or allow members to vote?

    • I choose winner.
    • Members vote for winner.

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I will be running the Spring Turkey Youth Hunt Contest once again this year.  Last year it was done rather quickly and I chose the winner based on the story and picture submitted.  This year the rules will be the same. 

My question is would you guys rather I chose the winner again or should I set it up as a vote by the members?





Edited by letinmfly
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I say set the rules and maybe choose 2 others to vote with you.........otherwise one kid could have an advantage based on the amount of potential voters he may know.


Good point and I will definitely consider your idea. 

The rules will be real simple.

1. Youth hunter needs to post a story of his/her hunt.

2. Youth hunter needs to post a pic of themselves with the bird.


The winner will be chosen from the context of their story and the quality of the picture.  That's it.  They can post the stats of the bird but they will not play a part in the judging.


I will post a separate thread outlining the rules as the time gets nearer.

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I agree with that outline for how the kid is able to win, stats of a turkey doesn't mean it should win, so kudos on that. Solving the problem of the kid getting votes because he is affiliated with more people will be a tough part and the only thing I can think to solve it would be having people vote on the best story but leave out any names, then having people vote for the best picture and create a point system from that. Either way I look forward to this contest, not too much longer!

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I have decided to go with three judges this year.  One being myself and the other two have already been chosen.  I won't reveal who they are as of right now but I can say that they are two very well respected members of this site.


My original intention was to judge myself but I decided to ask for the members input.  I don't know anyone on this site outside of just being members but with that being said I don't want anyone to think that I was biased on making the decision of who the potential winner would be.  Kids have always held a special place in my heart and I would do just about anything to see them happy.


Once again for this contest I have purchased some turkey calls to offer as prizes and a couple of call maker friends of mine have offered to donate a call as well.  It should be a lot of fun for the kids and their mentors but most importantly be safe!!

I am looking forward to the contest and hope that I have the opportunity to do it for a long time coming.


Thanks to those of you that posted your comments on this thread along with those that voted.

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