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Simple request

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Ok my thought for the week. I plan to write a letter to the editor and ask for action. I would like to ask you all to write to your representatives in Albany to ask for an inquiry. As we know back in January the ammunition back ground check was supposed to start. Like Obama care they had a year to get the database in place and is supposedly is not ready yet. My thought is they plan to hold off until after the election, as they do not want to upset the people who do not think the unsafe act will affect them. I think we need to put pressure on the King to answer why it is not running yet. If we can get this in place or at least let Albany know we have not forgotten like they hope we do until after the election. A simple note to your representatives to ask then to look into why it has not been implemented and when they plan to do so would start the ball rolling. If people have to start paying more as I said, it may energize them to do something about this. They may decide to vote in November. Educating them only goes so far as they think we are wrong. Start hitting them in the wallet then they will act. Thank you in advance.

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It simply has to say to your representative that the law for ammo background check was supposed to be enacted in January, what is the delay please check into this.  With some fluff av\bout the safe act etc.  and how this is a ploy to not be done until after the election.  We want them to know that we are not forgetting as they want us to.  It can be sent through an email on the assembly and senate web sites.

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This is another reason by the courts should throw it out. He had to us Message of Necessity as it was the kids. I think the found out they can't build a system. How are the going to background check people from other states? I believe Cuomo though that they could just use the NICS. I do believe is was delayed until after the election on purpose.

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A friend's father works their in data input not the true term.  He says the data base is barely started after 15 months.  They are dragging their feet.  Lets hold their feet to the fire.  Even if futile, it shows them we are still watching. I doubt this idea will take off as people are afraid it will start.  Reality check it will eventually anyway.  We need this to energize the base who do not think it affects them

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