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Shed Me Number 8


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 My shedding desires got the best of me today. Pushed into an area, just melted off from winter's harsh fury. A thick mangled mess of brier that I have put off because I knew what price I would have to pay . I push through. My hands scratched, poked, and pricked with berry bush thorns. My forehead scratched and bleeding. Eye poked and my nose is swelled. Yes friends, I left this area till last, walking by it several times. Today, it called to me, and I broke down, loosing my will to resist, LOL.


My effort was fullfilled. This is the right side to a left already found last week.  Maybe 60 yard away.  Laid fully under water. No chew. Mark this the second set for me. This one had unusual amount of skull bone attached.






Edited by landtracdeerhunter
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Nice job on that find!

I've taken to wearing safety glasses in the thick stuff, after having lasic last year and not wearing glasses any more I've noticed i take a few sticks to the eyes, and protecting them has been more in my mind.

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Another sweet find LTDH!

Way to match that one up, and pay the price in blood,lol

I had a berry thorn grab me by the cartilage on the back of my ear the other day and it wouldn't let me go. That just seemed on par with the way my season has been going.

I got a mess of antlers with that big chunk of the skull still attached, but usually the sets will closely resemble each other. I've always believed those antlers got forced off earlier than they were ready to drop naturally. Maybe helped out by rubbing or sparring when shedding time was close enough to weaken the base enough.

Anyhow, congrats on #8!

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