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Hunter Safety Courses


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Was hoping some of you might have some ideas.


I have a son who turned 12 a few weeks ago and I started looking into safety courses so he can hunt this fall.


What I discovered is man I shoulda started looking a lot sooner.


I would prefer just to do the bow and regular all in one with the pre online or workbook study. So I tried the DEC site and there are like 2 classes within 50 miles of me and both were full.


Anyone have any ideas where any other lists of classes may be listed? The few on the DEC site cannot be all for the whole state, if so that is pretty bad.


When I did mine there were classes all over so I did not really think it would be an issue.


The only option is driving 100 miles down south and get a hotel to take a course for two days!


By the way I am just outside of Syracuse.


Thanks for any ideas.

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On the bright side its only a one time gig.

Maybe .... Maybe not. Gun is one huge course. Bow is another huge course. Trapping is yet another huge course. Add them all up, and you are looking at hours and hours of dis-incentive to participate in the outdoor activities. And if the courses are getting to be rare, or require long drives out of town, I think I can see a problem.


I can't say that these courses are a bad idea because they're not, but it sounds like there is a growing access problem that needs to be addressed.

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actually Doc with a gun bow combo class home study, you can knock both out in 10 hours.  You are right there is a huge demand. The demand has increased since the unsafe act.  People are beginning to think that they will need a class such as that to purchase a gun.  Plus with online registration, it has become an anti target.  All the classes that say they are full, about 2/3 actually show up.  I did a class two weeks ago 40 signed up and 28 showed up.  That was potentially 12 more seats that could have been filled.  I had that many I had to turn away.  No offense to the good people in the city, but 10 of those who registered for my class in St Lawrence county had nyc addresses. This is also not the first time.  You can not deny them.  The antis are registering taking up seats and not showing up.  That is more of a concern than anything.  My group of instructors do at least 3 and usually 4 classes a year and fill everyone.  that is 4 gun and 4 bow.  There is also a critical shortage of instructors. I understand that not many people want to do anything for free any more.  But like any cause the burden can not be left to the shoulders of a few.  I have been teaching for this is my 27th year.  I get flack on here and other places when I mention it. I keep saying I am going to stop, but if I do, I think who else will do it.  There is also a proposal that when you register, you put a 25 dollar deposit down with a credit card.  if you do not show, you forfeit the money.  That will be a huge pain in the arse to keep track of, but something has to be done.  


It may also not be true that it is only once in a life time.  There is rumbling with the new laws that you will have to renew every 10 years now.  NOTHING IS ETCHED IN STONE YET.  Another ploy to get people to stop using guns.  Also we are seeing more and more repeaters as it is becoming more common I guess for judges to suspend your privileges for 2 to 5 years.  Then to get another license, you have to take the course again.  Imagine the chaos when people who have been hunting for years can not get in a class to renew and are denied a license to hunt that fall.  it is sad they look at ways to mess with hunters than to encourage it.  I guess when you live in a state that is so happy to see new gun laws to restrict our rights, they are just as happy to see people not hunt. 

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