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Uncle Ted was in town last night.


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I think while he makes good points when he debates, and you can't accuse him of not being outspoken, he does it in such a way that regardless of what he's actually saying he alienates a lot of people who are undecided.  I think you can make the points he makes in a more diplomatic way and accomplish a lot more in terms of public opinion. Whether we like it or not, that's what's going to determine the future of gun/hunting rights.  


That being said, Stranglehold is about the only song of his I can listen to. 

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I am not a fan of his music.  But he certainly has a following in that department.  Is he perfect?   No.  However, I give the man great credit for willingly taking on anybody to defend the second  amendment.  Yes he gets excited.  No one expects him to be otherwise, its not his style to speak without passion.  He speaks for the second amendment in face of a generally hostile media. Obama and Hillary already have the media on their side so they basically just have to show up to win, 

Edited by adkbuck
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Good question.  Some of us have a few hunches, but maybe he can explain?

Earlier in the thread, you said that Nugent "looked like one step adove a barbarian" I don't think how a person looks has anything to do with the topic so I sarcastically commented on different features of his appearance. Sarcasm.

Sorry….. I thought you would get it.

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I don't think you understand how a debate works. Shouting, saying inflammatory things, and making a spectacle of yourself may be a good way to fire up people who already agree with you but it's not how to win a debate. It's actually more likely to have a negative impact on the audience you should be trying to reach. Being right isn't enough. Judged on an unbiased basis, I have no doubt Obama and Hillary would both absolutely trounce Ted in a debate. They would be wrong, but they would still win. Pelosi is the same kind of crazy as Ted, just from the opposite side of the coin; so that's a draw (edit: oops, meant Feinstein but the same applies to both).

Ted is a cheerleader, not a debater.


You have obviously never seen Ted debate.  When he debates he is all business and serious.  The crazy persona is for the stage and the press.  When he is one on one with an anti, he is serious and professional.  And he knows the facts!  Neither Obama, nor Hillary would ever even consider trying to best him in a debate.

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