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OK, where are the guys who said they ain't taking anyone's guns away?

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The only gun they have siezed thus far is one that some dope removed the bullet button from and put a standard mag release on, making it non-compliant. Time will tell what happens, but the state would have had records of those people buying the rifles just from the background checks they had to go through to buy them. What they are doing to the shop owner, well, if they told him the rifles were legal, Im not sure how they can turn around say they arent after the fact. Gonna have to see how it plays out.

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Read the part of the article where it states the info came in from an anonymous tipster who did it to claim the $500 reward for being a rat.  Do you really think that was the only call the tip line has gotten so far?


NY has set citizen upon citizen in this state, and the anti-gun folks have been given a huge weapon to harass gun owners in NY State.  I expect to see a great deal of abuse of gun owners in this state in the future, until they all become so scared, nobody will want to own anything the think might get them in trouble.


You think we live in a free country now?  You're free to do whatever they let you do!

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my guess is the anonymous tipster was probably someone from a gun range, another gun shop or another gun owner.......not many people who know nothing about guns have a clue about The Safe Act and would have no idea what's legal and not, come to think of it,not many gun owners know too much about it either.

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Here is a updated article. It appears that the gun dealer needed to add Epoxy to the whole to cover up the screw. If this article information is true, then a big part of the NY Safe Act, just got beat by a $15.00 part and a dab of epoxy. The NY Safe Act is so vague that no one understands it. As in NY State there is not a legal definition of what a detachable magazine is.




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Read the part of the article where it states the info came in from an anonymous tipster who did it to claim the $500 reward for being a rat. Do you really think that was the only call the tip line has gotten so far?

NY has set citizen upon citizen in this state, and the anti-gun folks have been given a huge weapon to harass gun owners in NY State. I expect to see a great deal of abuse of gun owners in this state in the future, until they all become so scared, nobody will want to own anything the think might get them in trouble.

You think we live in a free country now? You're free to do whatever they let you do!

I'm not saying I agree with any of it, I'm just not gonna start screaming that it's a mass confiscation just yet. If you are dumb enough to have a rifle that doesn't conform to the laws, and you let others know about it, then you risk the repercussions. Until the law is repealed or struck down, it is what it is unfortunately.

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Here is a updated article. It appears that the gun dealer needed to add Epoxy to the whole to cover up the screw. If this article information is true, then a big part of the NY Safe Act, just got beat by a $15.00 part and a dab of epoxy. The NY Safe Act is so vague that no one understands it. As in NY State there is not a legal definition of what a detachable magazine is.


There are a couple of other replacement parts that get around the Safe Act as well.

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This is a good example for those who say "the cops won't enforce the SAFE ACT"…. If someone "RATS" and contacts the police, then the cops have to investigate. At that point they can't just blow it off. If the person, with the illegal rifle, blames the dealer then the cops have to address the dealer too.

I talked to a state Trooper just a week ago or so, about this very topic. He said that Troopers hate this law, but sometimes they have no choice but to enforce it.

It doesn't look like mass confiscation.

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