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Deer donations


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I came back for this because I noticed it being mentioned in a thread  I would rather  help those locally and I also like to know where the meat is actually going. I understand that some people find taking anything that might help them as charity and just shy away.  Also some just prefer to handle their own deer. So I put a notice up...that I enjoy hunting but can't use all the meat from the many tags I get. I would like to donate a whole deer to someone that wants and can use the meat. This letting them know it would be helping me as well as themselves. Well  this is what happened so far :  I hope this gives those thinking about it an incentive.I asked him if he wanted me to hold off for cooler weather and he said yes...I will probably skin it for him as well and quarter it if he needs. Hoping for more calls.


PS............ checked with the DEC to make sure I know everything that needs to be done for a legal transfer


.I put a notice at the town hall that I would donate a whole deer to someone that needs the meat. The clerk pointed out the notice to the elderly man in need...so my doe tags are to be filled for those local ppl in need... I get 4 every year

This man happens to be a hunter that can not hunt any more and is strapped for $$$



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+1 on the good job Grow.


Each year I try and  donate a couple to my buddy's family.  Some years it doesn't work out for one reason or another, others things fall into place nicely......like last year!  My buddy said that if by chance I could get two, take them.  He had a few DMAP tags so I did, three came by and two were reduced to bag.


It darn near broke my heart to let them go (give them away) as they were two nice 1.5 year old doe.  Good shots and easy to get out.........................oh well, they were tickled to get them!



Edited by Lawdwaz
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