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No Need For Over Kill


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Smaller calibers are better.   I can sit at the range all day with my .243.  Practice for hours.    While the magnum hunters with the muzzle brakes develop a flinch, and are deaf.


I have never read on a forum any deer that ran away from a .243.    

the deafness is probably attributed to no hearing protection, not caliber.

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I have tracked deer shot with a bow as has everyone else who has hunted with one. I have only ever tracked 1 deer with a gun that was the first deer I ever shot with one. Sense then I shot them in the head and the drop where they stand no tracking. Why would I want to track one? Anything can happen to cause you to not recover your prize. I know everyone will jump on the head shooting but I do not care about the head gear and inside 200 yards it is a gimme outside 200 front shoulders however My longest opertunity on a deer has been about 130 most are withen 80 yards. I am not knocking anyone here I am just pointing out that people are jumping on others who use small caliber guns because they say you need a cannon to kill deer because you need knock down power. Yet those same people use bows. What is the knock down power of a stick?


A 199 yard headshot? I would have to not agree with that. A deer's brain is the size of a walnut. Add a gust of wind...

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