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success in December?


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VERY nice buck LI

was that on the island?? ive never harvested a buck in december but i have passed on some smaller ones. i did have a nice 8 come squirting through running and grunting a doe every step and not 5 minutes later the same thing but with a bigger 8, grunting like crazy. No shot Op for me on either but a great hunt none the less.... and that was middle december or right before X-Mas belive it or not. there was snow on the ground i do know that.

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Hunted yesterday a saw only one small doe.Hunted from 2-dark but the funny thing was driving around an hour earlier and there were deer everywhere up feeding in the fields on peoples lawns.I think with the overcast skies predicted snow flurries and the cold snap they were feeding early. A buddy of mine did see a nice eight bumping does in the am sit. My best buck to date was taken Dec 3 2004 and he was up on his feet at 8:45 am cruising. I think this time of year you really need to be lucky.Hunt the food sources and hope you have a doe that wasnt bred on her second cycle come by you. Heck last year hunting the first week of shotgun season I shot a decent 7Pt. that came into the field at 3:30 and started scent checking and bumping the eight doe around till I dropped him. I assume most of the does come into heat around the same time but you always have exceptions either early or late. I guess thats good because otherwise it would only be worth hunting the first few days of opening week and the peak of the rut.

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LIHUNT what a brute! I sat out tonight figuring we'd have good deer movement with the front approaching tomorrow and i wasnt disappointed.  I saw at least 10 does plus a spike all in a group come out around 330 tonight.  i wanted to take another doe for my sister in law who could use the meat due to financial problems, but the closest one got was 50 yards and in some thick stuff. I rely on weather fronts coming and going in the late season more than i do a doe coming into heat again.  But when both happen at the same time the hunting can be outstanding! 

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yeah, that was the island. I think the Dec. rut is sometimes better because there are less options for the bucks and makes them travel more and further to find the does that have not been bred yet. Just my opinion.

that does seem lke a good point...

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