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Opening Weekend

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Hey guys,


Took some time away from the site. Too much political stuff for my liking. Hope the banter has calmed and the warmer weather has cheered a few of you up.


This past weekend Turkey opened up here in Mississippi and I couldn't have been happier to get into the woods. It was in the 60* and I didn't hear or see a bird on public land, but couldn't have been more satisfied. I think the recent cold weather has pushed the mating back, so hoping for some good hunting this weekend. I can shoot 3 toms here but jakes aren't legal.



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By auto illumination do you mean it turns on by itself with movement?


no, it adjust the brightness based on the light conditions. I normally leave it off although its the same battery for 3 years. keep spares with me. I turn it on when i think a birds coming in.


Is that a public land food plot?

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yeah pretty cool huh? army corps land. leased to farmers. everything from soy to cotton and corn. not sure anything eats the cotton but clover and stuff grows out there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the way a lot of that ground is cleared straight to the dirt. That way those stinking snakes down there cannot get to you without you seeing them coming ..... :scare:


cotton field haha. ticks are bad down here but not a big lyme disease issue. spiders too. creeps me out.


Had a gobbler coming in around 9 and I either didn't fool him or I blew it. he was behind me at I think around 100 yards. Happy to get some action though.


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