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Handgun Caliber Ammo?

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Question... I am a NY resident (sorry to say) considering purchasing a lever gun in .38/.357. I do not have or plan to own a handgun. Will I hit a snag trying to buy handgun ammo without " handgun paperwork" in NY or are handgun ammo sales not "regulated" any differently than ammo for long guns?

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The idiots in Westchester won't even sell me 22WMR without a handgun permit because it can be used in a handgun. Even while in the mist of me buying a long gun chambered for 22WMR from them.

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In my area Dick's and Walmart make you show a pistol permit if you want to purchase pistol ammo.( even if you tell them its for a long gun)  Its just their stupid CYA rule. Its not a law. The local gander Mtn. and some small shops don't ask for a permit.

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As has been pointed out, it will be hit or miss.

I have purchased pistol caliber ammo at "big box" stores where I was grilled for a pistol license. Sometimes their policy (or understanding of the policy) requires a license be shown. Other times, they allow the purchase when explaining it is for a long gun. This hasn't come up for me since safe went into effect - I don't know how this may affect the way stores deal with this.

There is nothing in the law to prevent the sale. It is store policy, which can vary by store and even within a store.

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you should be fine enough to get it somewhere.  if given a hard time, be polite and ask to speak to a manager and explain the situation.  if you've got a cell phone with a camera take pictures.  I've known of some bringing in the rifle locked with trigger lock and in a case for the manager to have visual proof.  just be sure you're going about it the right way and not just showing up with a gun.

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