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Anyone else like to video their hunts?

Pat Rockets

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Ive been taking my sony digital handycam with me for about 2 yrs and it has become a regular item in my backpack along with my smartphone/camera/videocamera/gps/weatherstation/information super highway..etc. I know theres alot of old schoolers out there that scoff at the idea and refuse to even try. But think about all the times you saw somthing interesting and wished you had a camera. I bring my cameras with me even scouting and have caught some awesome  things that only after review i didnt see b4. It keeps things interesting and helps with the attempt..haha..at trying to manage what you have with the rest of your crew. If you are on the edge of taking that step..do it! You have no idea the feeling of watching your own "show" no matter how small. You can bet i will need to charge the droid a few times after showing all the christm@s going fam the trials and tribulations of my year...

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The early part of my vid where i watched the buck from afar..i was sittin atop my truck in a lawn chair and a beer..scouting is tough..haha..but seriously consider if you do go geno..take a camera man..its hard enough to shoot a deer yourself..let alone snaping the camera on and getting to full draw while a buck is on a b line past your spot

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Ive been wanting to do this for some time. I plan on putting together a few camera arms, as I can build nice, lightweight ones cheaper than the heavy steel ones cost. I am also planning on picking up an HD digital camcorder soon. We are having a new baby in April, and its just the excuse I need to buy the camera lol.  :(

Hopefully Ill be videoing hunts next season.

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I used to video years ago. I took video from 1990 and up. Put it all together in Final Cut pro and made a 1.5 movie. It was pretty cool but took a hell of a long time. These days I have enough to do in the tree stand let alone try to video. I do have to say some of the home grown stuff is real good. It's fun don't get me wrong but you better be a good shot!

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I have been videotaping deer as far back as i can remember and have hours and hours of nothing but deer and other wildlife on tape.  Before i was able to hunt i would just go out during the spring and summer and sit and film deer in the woods.  Now my brother and i try to videotape all of our hunts which is not an easy task.  We just picked up a sony fx7 hd camera and the quality of video is amazing. Now if we only had some monster bucks walking by our stands we would be in good shape lol. In 2007 i was still hunting in the pouring rain with the bow and was able to sneak up on a nice 8 pt bedded down in a brush lot. i had the camera with me and was able to get video of him before i shot him.  It was the most rewarding hunt i have ever had. The link is below.



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