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May / June Geneseo TC pics


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It appears that the deer and the horseback riders coexist quite nicely. I would have thought that the horses and riders would have had the deer a little more  screwed up as far as walking around the same area in the daylight.

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The deer on our farms are used to the horses as well. I get pics all the time of the horses being ridden by and deer right there shortly after.


Funny story, last year on a fox hunt, the farm manager had a doe run right into her horse. The deer ended up dead, and she was lucky the horse didnt throw her.

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There are some overgrown fields in the area ( high grass ) . A horse rider once told me that when he would ride the trail through the high grass occasionally a bedded deer would stand up , look and lay back down . Some trails get cut through these field for the GVHC when they chase the fox on horseback using dogs .

I often thought it would be neat to hunt deer on horseback ...... :rolleyes:

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I often thought it would be neat to hunt deer on horseback ...... :rolleyes:

That thought was running through my mind too. Could that be construed as violating rules of fair chase? ....lol. It certainly would be legal (not a motorized vehicle), and if the deer are becoming accustomed to horses and horseback riders, given the right conditions, it could almost seem like cheating.

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