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"ESL Discussions"

mike rossi

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You have to wonder who wrote that stuff. Copied and pasted sans emojis. Don't know where they came from.


STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show to Student B)


What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘hunting’?


Are you for or against hunting?


Would you like to go hunting?


What kind of hunting is there in your country?


What do you think of trophy hunting?


Do you think it’s OK for people to hunt elephants and whales?


What do you think of people hunting animals for fur?


Do you think hunting is a sport?


Do you think hunting around the world should only be allowed for food?


What are your experiences of job hunting?


STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show to Student A)


What are the differences between hunting and fishing?


Why do you think people get a thrill from hunting and killing animals?


What damage is big game hunting doing in Africa?


Do you think it’s OK to hunt pests?


What hunting methods do you know of that are very cruel?


What do you think of the term ‘blood sports’ to describe hunting?


How has hunting changed over the ages?


Do you think all hunting will be illegal in the future?


Would you like to go on a hunting expedition?


Would you go hunting if you lived in the jungle?


Edited by Curmudgeon
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No agenda there in those questions.


Here are some proper answers to version B questions 1 & 2, which would probably piss-off the anti's who enjoy fishing..


        What are the differences between hunting and fishing?


In fishing, baiting is legal and beating them to death is legal.


        Why do you think people get a thrill from hunting and killing animals?


They get to have a meal of fresh meat not pumped full steroids and growth hormones, completely free range fed.  At the same time, they are sad for taking its life.



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This is only the tip of the iceberg, you should hear some of the other stuff they feed your kids about how bad hunting and hunters are.  I have a hunting friend who teaches and the stuff that comes out of these peoples mouths is basically straight out of a PETA book.  Most schools are basically anti hunter.  So much for starting a youth hunting/fishing program in schools, they would petition against it.  And you though they were teaching math and science.  LOL 

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This is only the tip of the iceberg, you should hear some of the other stuff they feed your kids about how bad hunting and hunters are.  I have a hunting friend who teaches and the stuff that comes out of these peoples mouths is basically straight out of a PETA book.  Most schools are basically anti hunter.  So much for starting a youth hunting/fishing program in schools, they would petition against it.  And you though they were teaching math and science.  LOL 


I'm wondering if this is an urban vs. rural thing. I note you are from LI. I think most of that island is urban but correct me if I am wrong.


My wife teaches in the local K-12 school. She hears hunting stories from her students all the time. It's part of the culture here. Average grade class size is about 30.


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