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My new woodchuck gun

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OK, I get the "auto" part but how about that drum that hold about 50 rounds, is that legal in NY?

Here is where I don't understand WTF the law means, can someone dumb it down for me please...?

This is straight from the NRA-ILA website about NY gun laws:

" “...Large capacity ammunition feeding device” means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device, manufactured after September 13, 1994, that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than ten rounds of ammunition. There is an exception for an attached tubular device designed to accept, and capable of operating only with, .22 caliber rimfire ammunition..."

My "cricket" aka GSG-5 semi-auto replica of MP-5 in .22 came with 10 rounds only and one can't buy the full 28 round magazine in NY, with the above stated wouldn't this be this exact exception?

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If the magazine was manufactured before the date mentioned, you can buy it. The exception is tube fed magazines on many .22 rifles like marlins, etc. Your gun does not use a tubular magazine, so the exception would not apply to your gun. Now, if you are in NYC and some other areas, there are other laws that ban any magazines over a certain capacity. I used to have a 30 round clip for my SKS, and I have some 20s and 30s for my Mini-14. All are pre-ban magazines.

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