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Am I a conspiracy theorist?

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Mayor DiBlasio is looking to implement a new program that is said to help mentally ill homless and K2 addicts. Part of this program is merging NYPD with mental health workers. Am I stretching thoughts here... I'm thinking this would give NYPD access to records of people who are mentally ill as well as those regular people that just se a physiologist for whatever reason. Wouldn't this give them a way to take away guns from people who they may now deem mentally ill being that NYPD and mental health would be together as a unit? Or am I thinking too much?

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Mayor DiBlasio is looking to implement a new program that is said to help mentally ill homless and K2 addicts. Part of this program is merging NYPD with mental health workers. Am I stretching thoughts here... I'm thinking this would give NYPD access to records of people who are mentally ill as well as those regular people that just se a physiologist for whatever reason. Wouldn't this give them a way to take away guns from people who they may now deem mentally ill being that NYPD and mental health would be together as a unit? Or am I thinking too much?

nah, actually that's not too far of a stretch..........but on the other hand, the real problem is not guns, it's the unchecked mentally ill, so you gotta control one of em............the question is, which one?

Edited by jjb4900
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nah, actually that's not too far of a stretch..........but on the other hand, the real problem is not guns, it's the unchecked mentally ill, so you gotta control one of em............the question is, which one?

The truly mentally ill definitely. I would just hate to see it used against people that may have seen a shrink because they may have been going through something
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Nope, I believe you hit the nail on the head.  Sounds like they want more control, surprise? 


Soon it will be the home of the Free and Brave but in Russia.  They will have more "Freedom" than any American.  What will you do when they start putting camera's in you area to "Protect people".  Our society seems to not want freedom and would rather have more government control over all our lives.


Or maybe I am the one who is a conspiracy theorist?  One thing is for sure we are going in the wrong direction and NY seems to want to lead the pack. 

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So we do nothing?


No.  We set up a system that protects your rights, assumes your innocence, requires a preponderance of proof and allows a person some legal recourse if they happen to become a victim of the system that might morph into a gun grabbing scheme.  


That's the way the criminal justice system currently works for violent criminals.  Why would we do less for people accused of mental incompetence by the very government that has a vested interest in seeing people disarmed?

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