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Looks like you are doing ok. Boy, does that bring back memories.

Those prices aren't terrible ...... they could be better, but they're not bad. I never could understand the market preference for gray fox over red fox, but it has always been that way. And why the coyote prices are so low compared to fox is a mystery. The public has strange tastes.

At any rate, it looks like you are having a great season and are having a great time carrying on a fine tradition.


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Coyotes have been low for awhile. The mid western yotes are a better quality. Rats took a jump compared to earlier prices. We will never see the prices of the fur boom of the 70's and 80's. My dad bought many xmases with fur money.At times a weeks fur check would double his paycheck.

These are awesome pics, thanks for sharing, what region are you in, what county?

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