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Early season sucks


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Look for the roost and follow the birds they will fall into a pattern early season ducks stick to water until the second to third cold snap then they will hit fields like its no bodies business just gotta put the scouting time in to find them just look for a big body of water where you have seen ducks during the summer then either follow em or hunt the roost when they come back which I don't recommend the second but people do it

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Scouting like mentioned above is key.  In the morning, face your vehicle to the east and watch the sky as the sun is just waking up, looking for the birds lifting off the water and heading to the fields.  Opposite in the afternoon and be ready to roll!


A co-pilot is a necessity, you need to drive and the other needs watch where the ducks go.  


Then secure permission.  Lots of farmers are miffed that you want to hunt ducks in a cut field so permission is granted readily.  (I'll bet you'll be wishing we could hunt dove in NYS too) 


Sign the damned petition will you!  :)


EDIT To ADD......these ducks don't need any water in the field at all, just feed.

Edited by Lawdwaz
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