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68 degrrees my...


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Translation.....it was suppose to go to 68 degrees yesterday...I was typing quickly so I was on the run after checking weather...It was 63 when I checked at nearly 3pm and I decided to pop into the shower ,get geared up and go hunting...Mr B's sign over...he signed his 8N tag over to me.

So I should have been able to "Translate" with a pic. of a nice big doe...but she came in behind me and all spooked up..Twins she had with her hadn't a care in the world...Tells me that she may have had an arrow released on her already.  she was to my extreme rt. which meant having to avoid all eyes ,stand and turn..She went behind the apple tree and I did just that. The fawns under my stand and her 12 yrds out... but when she appeared on the otherside it was at a full trot going away from me. :girlumbrage:The fawns stayed under my stand...She made a B-line straight to the apple tree stand 45yrds directly across from me on the other side of the garden.  She ate 2 apples and spooked again... The Fawns meandered around the garden ate apples and then went over to fill themselves on ripe plums...They disappeared under the apple tree stand and 20 mins later I heard a faint snort up on the neighbors place...So she'll be around ...The wind was perfect too blowing lightly straight from her to me..  Great hunt though...

Edited by growalot
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PS...headed back out to a stand here...wind is good...the apple stand she went to last night...two hours later that stand had another visitor....hope he doesn't show until late again..but he was definately following her tracks. The trail cam is half way between them and the stand I was in....

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Oh one point....this buck has been through a few times..he has a couple of friends too....Lawd...if your looking at this please take note of the little tab hanging of that mulberry branch...it's a fresh apple Yankee Candle car air freshener...imagine that! :victory:

Oh ...you can see it clearer in the doe picthey have a distinct shape to them...

Edited by growalot
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