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Final preps for opening day


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Pretty much ready with the guns. Need to wash clothes tonight and pack our bags. Heading up Friday morning to set up new blind on edge of cut corn field where I will be sitting with my son for his first time.


The best of luck to you and your son! He will carry those memories for life!

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The best of luck to you and your son! He will carry those memories for life!

Thanks Grampy. For the first time in 3 years my son said that he can't wait to go hunting with me and spend this weekend in the woods than sitting at home playing video games. I love it!

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The_Real_TCIII, on 18 Nov 2015 - 10:30 AM, said:

Me too but the wife wont let me fire them up until next Friday. I zip tied strands to quarter round with hooks on them, I just hang them on the gutters. Takes ten minutes and I feel like the smartest person ever. Which means im not but what the heck


Your name wouldn't happen to be Clark Griswold, now would it  ??

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I just got my cold weather things out. Checked zero on rifles this past weekend, last min adjustments. When I got home today I see hunting clothes hung out all over outside. My daughter drove home between College & work, hung all her stuff out. She left me a note "Dad bring my stuff in and seal in plastic comforter bag, see you Friday" My son got out of school and headed to double checked his stands. We are already here. Good Luck everyone stay safe.

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