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Woot woot! My new tags came in the mail....


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I'd be afraid of retaliation if I slapped that on my truck. Why instigate an issue?


I tend to agree. Its like the houses with signs that say "I dont call 911" with the picture of a pistol.  To a lot of moron criminals, its like a dare.  Also a big flag that says "Hey when I'm not home, there are guns in here, if you'd like to break in and steal a few."


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Wow, really, afraid? Isn't that what they want? I wouldn't put that on my truck but that's just because I don't want stickers all over it. Not because I would be afraid of offending someone. That thought didn't even cross my mind until I read the comments. No where near the same as the "I don't call 911" signs......I have seen several of the terrorist hunting permits on trucks around here with the tag # 9/11. Not so much anymore but there were very popular for a while. I used to think good for you, and  wonder where they got them whenever I saw one.

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Why stir the pot ? I have my wife and daughter in my vehicle quite often and I carry 24/7 but why take a chance of instigating something It only takes one whacko to see it after having a bad day and causing trouble.

I understand your point....I guess I just don't understand who that could possibly offend other than a terrorist. I find the Obama stickers offending....even worse are the Bernie Sanders stickers....I don't cause trouble to the people that have them. I guess my point is there are a heck of a lot worse stickers I see on cars. Heck you could see a piss on Ford sticker and be upset because you have a Ford....I do understand your not wanting any trouble with wife and kids in the car....who would.....

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