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People: a love/hate relationship


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I had someone tell me today that they wouldn't be able to accept charity in my position, and implied that do so so would be greedy...

Allow me to rant for a moment as I am super pissed-off and I need to get this out before I punch someone.

My family just had a huge fire at our home Thursday morning, as most of you know. NO ONE WAS INJURED! I am not forgetting that fact for a second, trust me.

Our garage is gone, along with everything in it. That's 20+ years of accumulated "stuff." Both of our vehicles are total losses, burned to a crisp. Our boat (which I worked my ass off for and just brought home this last spring) is also ashes and melted metal.

The house also caught fire, and while there is contained fire damage, the fire got into our roof and filled the house with smoke. Keep in mind that this is a chemical smoke from all the contents that burned, not your average campfire smoke. The walls, furniture, carpet, clothes and contents are mostly a total loss.

The truck was loaded with my hunting supplies for a next day hunt I was planning, and the boat/garage had over 20 years of accumulated fishing gear locked down for the winter. Needless to say, the house is unlivable for the unknown future. We are currently living in a hotel.

Yes, these are material things. Yes, it's only money and "stuff." Yes, we have our relative health and it could have been so much worse. Yes, others have gone through much worse than we ever could imagine. Yes, these are 1st world problems.

Now to my point: Charity has ZERO to do with any of the above things. Charity is the people that care, doing what they can to show love and support: Friendship and just an overall caring for a fellow human. Charity is a gift that is not chosen by the people it is meant for. Charity in this situation is actually pure, with honest and honorable intent. People aren't helping us for personal gain, gratitude or recognition. The only possible way I can honestly show gratitude is to graciously accept and pay it forward in whatever way we can. That's what a "Community" does.

So to those who claim they would not accept charity, and who look down their noses at us for accepting it; you can have my middle finger and my mental image of a foot shoved up your selfish ass. I need to feed my family for the next few months. And if you think that we are going to come out ahead financially after the insurance and construction are done, you need to stop using common core math.

On that note: https://www.gofundme.com/ocampofamily - Share it with everyone you know and ask them to share it as well.


/end rant

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I just dropped $100 into your go fund me, and I challenge all my fellow hunters here to do what they can to help .

Oh and don't deal with your insurance company on your own, hire a company that will do this for you, they will get you more money even after their fee, than if you just let the insurance company come in look thing s over and write a check.


Edited by Larry302
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Any of us who can help out, let's do it. I didn't even come close to $100, as I'm sure most of us can't. Let's give what we can, though.

And there's nothing greedy about accepting help from people who care about you. Maybe we don't all know you personally, but I don't think of it as charity. It's helping out a brother.

Whoever said that to you is a tool.

Edited by Skillet
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