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My Mounts


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The giant mulies, that's all I asked about. The Ones that your taxidermist said weren't yours, but someone else's.

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As I said, the fact is that the taxidermist who did the triple Mulie mount confirmed to Trial that he does for Tom Batt, but those mulies are not his.

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Lot of those pic's look like Texas brush country. I have a frind in the biz that has about every one of the exotics. Its possible i guess.

I'm not saying it's not possible to shoot all those HF. I know that Tom went to Africa several times.

I am only interested in the mulies that he said he shot, but has no pics of and the taxidermist said he did the work for someone else.

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Edited by Biz-R-OWorld
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I can't see that mountain scene fitting in this house.



I believe he stated the pictures were taken at the taxidermist shops. So technically... you can't really verify they're his kills even. I'm more of a fan of seeing hunter/harvest pics than mounts.


Probably should post this in the "out of state" section.

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No doubt Tom has killed animals in pens in plenty of places. That wasn't and isn't the question.

The question was about 4 mule deer that were posted under the title of "my mounts"

When I recognized them from pictures i seen on Monster Mulies something didn't add up. That was why I inquired with the Taxidermist.

It was possible tom killed them or at least owned the mounts. However in my mind it didn't seem to fit the MO so to speak.

Coupled with the fact that he changed quotes on another thread, (jokingly I am sure he will claim) it didn't seem above the guy making a false claim or two.

Also quite honestly you have to wonder about the add he placed on here for the high fence "hunt". He had all kinds of stories about other people hunting on the place, wounded Marines, sick children..ect ect . Then he back peddles and says he isn't affiliated with the place?

All this in the first day or so this guy joins the forum.

Next thing that's odd is why is a guy from Utah joining here anyway? Something is odd on this one.

Mods can do what they want, I suggest they look over the other thread in the guide outfitter area. There is some things in there that aren't befitting of a new member, or any member for that matter. I admit to a couple words or two that weren't befitting and will answer for them if necessary .

For my part in both threads I am done with this.

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