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Turkey Call Tune Up?


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IIRC 15 years ago (+/-) I talked to a guy that told me to take my old Lynch box call and pull apart, then soak it in water for a couple days.  I had been complaining that I didn't like the tone of it.  He said that after a couple days to pull it from the river, let it dry for a couple weeks, screw it back together and chalk 'er up.




I didn't work.  It still sounds like azz..........



Anybody have any ideas?  (I know I could Google it but this is more fun)




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Had my 35 + year old Lynches out today for the first time all year. Think I found the chalk to chalk it up in pocket number 17. Pulling out all the stops now. Love the clucks on it. It's very tough for me to dumb it down on a yelp though. Too quiet today to let her rip , that baby screams decibals I've heard putting cotton balls inside it will quiet it down but never tried.

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I stuff mine with toilet paper...That way if I ever get caught short.......

Actually there is a cool story behind my Lynch Foolproof box.

Back in the late 70's I went into a sporting goods store in Corning to buy a box call. They had maybe a dozen Lynch Foolproofs on the shelf, for $17 each... Doug Henyan, the store owner, let me open the boxes ( that was BEFORE blister pacs) and try each call to see which one I liked the sound of best. I killed a lot of birds with that call.It was my go-to box call until I had a custom box made by Bob Harwell in SC, who was a student of the late Neil Cost.

The Foolproof still rides in my vest, but the Harwell call usually does the talking these days.

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