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Hunter's Safety Course - Special Cases


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I know someone who is dyslexic and therefore he figures a hunting license is impossible for him since he would have a difficulty with the written exam at the end.  I wonder if they make special exceptions for such cases.  Maybe have him take an oral version of the exam or something like that.  Anyone know if anything like that is available?

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I know someone who is dyslexic and therefore he figures a hunting license is impossible for him since he would have a difficulty with the written exam at the end.  I wonder if they make special exceptions for such cases.  Maybe have him take an oral version of the exam or something like that.  Anyone know if anything like that is available?

Yes, when I did my bow(5 years ago?) the instructor offered an oral exam and a few did this.

I would think a phone call to the instructor would not be a problem.

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yes under the ada, we have to make accommodations for such things. And I always do the test orally for the whole class.  I have found over the years if you ask a group of students, mostly high school age if anyone needs any special help, no one asks as they do not want to be singled out.  But once they fail the test, you can sure tell.  So, as I said, I sit in the class read every question and give the multiple guess answers for them to choose from.

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I've help with a lot of classes the last several years. Everyone has had at least 1 who needed an oral test - from 14 to 60. No problem and glad to do it, but its kind od sad we have that many in this day and age who cannot read the basics.

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