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Do gun laws make us safe?

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The issue with gun laws is they are created by clueless politicians hopping on the bandwagon of what guns are considered bad or scary by the general public. Unfortunately, "the general public" doesn't have a clue them selves. Most gun laws are created on a whim, sorry, it's sad but true! I hear/read so many talk about "sensible gun laws", that will never happen because the clueless politicians just looking to the masses for approval and to keep their seat, are getting feedback from even more clueless people who wouldn't know a pistol from a rifle. It always amazes me how many people I have talked to who think a Glock is an assault rifle. Really?...... The politically controlled media keeps stupid people stupid. Sorry, in this age of the web, if you aren't smart enough to look up what you are fighting against, you are stupid!

They keep calling for a full ban on what they 'THINK' an assault rifle is. Why? Because a few lower then scum people have used them for horrific acts of violence.

I try to get this through to people I talk to who are either full blown anti gun, or just anti "assault weapon" people, it's not the gun that commits acts of crime, it's the a$$ h***$ that use them. When was the last time a gun just went out and killed something all on it's own? It's NOT the guns that we should fear or ban, it's the scum bags using them. I have no issues with the NICS system, why would I? I can own my guns legally, so who cares if they run a BG check on me? 

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