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I always get fawn pics...but as you recall  I was having a dog problem. then the woods smelled of death,and 7 doe have been around all summer with zero fawns in tow...I took care of that situation,well the owner of the dog did. Now I have my first fawns back on cam...they normally love romping in this field ...So I hope they stick around...The woods haven't smelled of death since I sent out that e-mail....

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Edited by growalot
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The neighbors dog...that dog took out 6 of my goats a few years ago...So I'd have to say with 7 adult does and no fawns  then the dog was removed from the picture and the smell went away and doe with fawns returning to a regular rearing site...The dog killing fawns. I did search for the source of the smell...for the entire woods reeked of it for nearly 2 months...I found just one source in an area I had gone through several times and a dead Fisher was found...I never found the other sources but as I said the entire woods smelled.

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