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Fletch's Tall Tined Tales 2016


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Sunday 12/11 Tracks all over in the morning. I kicked up two on way in to deep hole stand. I got in and with the new snow the ziew was poor. I backed out a couple hundred yards to the outer hole stand and set up. About 30 minutes later I hear two shots down below me where the deer I jumped headed. There is a guy who has a stand up in the back corner. I guess I did him a solid...I saw him dragging out a doe a bit later. I strolled out that way and he shot the deer 3 feet from the brush blind my son and I built in bow. Well looky there he left me a pefectly good heart in that gut pile still nice and sterile in the sac. Well thank you foolish man......


Had my son out in the evening in the tower but no dice tonight. Onto muzzleloader and cold and snow on the ground for the rest of the season....

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Did not get out Wednesday due to weather in the am and work in the pm, shame cause pm yesterday looked good. Thursday more crazy wind and cold so I'm still being a wuss!! The forcast looks like a disaster for the end of ML. Friday will be single digit but looks like the wind might be down so I think that is my next hunt. I'm sure I will get out this weekend. Saturday looks like a blizzard in the am then turning to rain and more wind......Monday and Tuesday may be the best days.......

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Little catch up here.


Friday I did see a doe and 2 fawns from the far stand out back. They were way up a ridge and did work down over 45 minutes or so but never got close enough to get a good shot. I eneded up having to sit past legal to wait for them to move back out.

Saturday sat for the am 3-4 hours in a snow storm nada. Then the tower with my son last watch nada.

Sunday started in the tower with my son in the am. Got rain then snow and wind. Took a hike mid day on another property. Lots of tracks but nothing fresh. Back in tower with son for last watch and some rippin wind and snow.

Monday 12/19 am out in the far stand for 2 hours. Cold at 13 but no wind. Nada. My BIL is on state moving deer but the snow is noisy and he is jumping them before he can get close enough. I'll get out after work and have tomorrow off.

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Well thats a wrap. I sat 4 hours in 7 dgree to 17 this morn. Hit some state land middle of the day and followed some tracks but the snow was too loud. Then back in stand for last watch. It was a real nice evening and as usual I am bummed about the season coming to an end but excited to get some sleep and not sit in the cold!!

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So the season was fair as I did harvest one buck with the crossbow and a doe in gun season with the ML. My brother got the one buck in bow and my nephew a button on the gun opener.

I am disappinted in myself for not getting my son on his first deer. We were darn close a few times. I now reaize it is a bunch harder to see deer with two hunters together than just me!! I will be better prepared next season.That youth season non elevated rule is just stupid!


We also need to find some new places to hunt. Maybe a lease. We have lost 2 good spots and I may lose my favorite stand on my neighbors as well due to sale. I already told my son we were going on a guided hunt next year as well so we need to plan that. And I plan on getting a GA gator tag as too,I am looking forward to that.


Hope you all have a great Holiday Season!!!

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Still rooting for you and your son to make it happen  next year and you guys WILL make it happen I'm sure. I cant wait until my son wants to go out again just to sit with me. He's only 10.  Good luck on finding new spots and enjoy the Holidays.


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