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Just got home this morning and as I stopped the truck and put it into park, it slid back down the driveway at least 6 feet!!! Wowza, talk about a sheet of glass or what!!!

Thank goodness I had that salt in a shaker container, and started right away salting the driveway from top to bottom. The roads were ok, it's just the dam driveway!!!

be careful when venturing out this morning for the first time!!!

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Took of yesterday ( Sunday ) specifically to hunt. Got dressed , drove 4 blocks sliding on ice thru a few stop signs and came home. Hour drive in the hills , no thank you. Disappointed I couldn't go but made the right decision. Upon a little running around locally last night you could see many sets of tire tracks veering off the road from the morning. It looked like ice was state wide too from people chiming in on here. 

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