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Chicago murders up for 2016. Bill O'Reilly blames BlackLivesMatter

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Here is Bill in May of last year arguing that the Ferguson effect is to blame. And you know what, he's absolutely right: http://www.foxnews.com/transcript/2016/05/26/bill-oreilly-how-black-lives-matter-is-killing-americans/

Some people are blaming it on guns but guns were not more available last year than the year prior. So what really happened? Cops don't want to be the next viral video. It's called the Ferguson effect because of Ferguson where the false narrative about hands up don't shoot was created and propagated everywhere.

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Seems like this is more a of a controversial headline grab.  Chicago gun violence has been entrenched long before ferguson.  But the numbers are disturbing.  The article hit the nail on the head tho.  We need an overhaul of the criminal justice system.   There is no real deterrent to committing a gun crime.  Nothing more than a slap on the wrist or a badge of honor for some to go to jail for a little while.  

Edited by diplomat019
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What happens when law-abiding citizens are disarmed: The criminals still have guns, and they're empowered and emboldened with the knowledge that they mostly will be facing unarmed victims. Throw in some anti-cop vitriol that keeps LE off the street, and other political activism biased against both the law-abiding citizens and the police, and innocent people are going to die. The concept of 'cause and affect' is not difficult to grasp. It's being willfully ignored by the politicians in charge, most of whom are Democrats in the big urban areas. It's not a coincidence.

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3 hours ago, diplomat019 said:

The article hit the nail on the head tho.  We need an overhaul of the criminal justice system.   There is no real deterrent to committing a gun crime.  Nothing more than a slap on the wrist or a badge of honor for some to go to jail for a little while.  

That's because Chicago refuses to prosecute these animals under FEDERAL law, which would put them away for a decade or more for merely carrying a firearm as a convict.

No overhaul is needed.  They simply need to use the laws already on the books, which they REFUSE to do.


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15 minutes ago, Rattler said:

That's because Chicago refuses to prosecute these animals under FEDERAL law, which would put them away for a decade or more for merely carrying a firearm as a convict.

No overhaul is needed.  They simply need to use the laws already on the books, which they REFUSE to do.


Correct.   Just follow the laws we already have.  Thats step 1.  

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3 hours ago, diplomat019 said:

Philo.  Im curious to know how many deaths are gang related compared to an innocent person not involved with anything.   Id think a vast majority aren't innocent law abiding citizens.   Yeah or no?  

I honestly don't know, Diplomat. I've never seen any statistical lists with that kind of information. I suppose if someone had access to police records of the victims a cross-reference could be done, but any correlation would require a lot of assumptions: if a 40 year old victim had a gang or drug-related offense from 20 years ago, but a clean record since then, would he still fit the 'non-innocent' profile? Or an 18 year old kid with a record who is killed just for trying to 'go straight' and leave the gang/drug life, which happens a lot BTW?

Like I said, I don't know how many were or weren't "innocent" victims, and you may be right in your assumption. But every one of those 760 killed were victims nonetheless, including a number of small children, and the city has done nothing serious to prevent it except to place more constraints on the law-abiding citizens and the law enforcement community. This strikes me as a stupid way to approach such an enormous problem.

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6 hours ago, diplomat019 said:

Seems like this is more a of a controversial headline grab.  Chicago gun violence has been entrenched long before ferguson.  But the numbers are disturbing.  The article hit the nail on the head tho.  We need an overhaul of the criminal justice system.   There is no real deterrent to committing a gun crime.  Nothing more than a slap on the wrist or a badge of honor for some to go to jail for a little while.  

Gun violence has also been there. This thread is not about that. It's about the 57% increase--"the largest spike in 60 years". How do you explain this? Again, gun laws are not the cause for the 57% increase unless we argue that gun laws in 2016 were significantly more lax than in 2015 (they weren't).

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4 hours ago, diplomat019 said:

Philo.  Im curious to know how many deaths are gang related compared to an innocent person not involved with anything.   Id think a vast majority aren't innocent law abiding citizens.   Yeah or no?  

They aren't. I think I saw another article yesterday that said something like 80% or more of them were already identified by police as being highly susceptible to this due to existing criminal records or gang activity.

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