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The States should have tougher laws concerning this kind of abuse.  There is no reason for poaching or illegal actions that poachers take in order to harvest animals.  These type of human beings are a disgusting, deplorable mark on our society and the lawmakers should form new laws or enforce laws already on the books to deal with this disgusting mark that reflects on the hunting community.

I was a Humane Officer for 15 years and witnessed first hand what human beings do to their pets and livestock because they love them so.  Hunting, trapping, and fishing was a better part of my young life, my father taught the right and wrongs of the sport.  Hunting is a joy and experience that I would not trade for anything.  

We as responsible sportsmen and sportswomen need to ban together to stop illegal actions caused by a few disgusting, law breaking bandits.  Contact our lawmakers and make them aware of these actions and that we will not put up with these actions, at all, any way shape or form.


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It only pertains to deer but there's legislation out write now to amend current environmental conservation law, increasing fines for shooting deer out of season or basically jacking them at night.  NYS assembly A556 and NYS senate S387.  the bill was reintroduced from last session where it simply ran out of time.  It already passed in the assembly (again) but seems to be stalling in the senate (again).  to date counting all sessions it's only gotten a single no vote.  i intend on figuring out who it was that voted no.  it's in the senate environmental committee now.  

O'Mara is the chair to get it out.  Feel free to call his office to show your support 518-455-2091 (albany office) and 607-735-9671 (local office).

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