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16 hours ago, diplomat019 said:




MIT expert claims latest chemical weapons attack in Syria was staged


Theodore Postol writes articles for Russian state propaganda outlets, and is frequently cited as a U.S. expert by RT (Russian television).

Believe what you want. It's your right. But this is pure propaganda.

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Obama found them (chemical wmd's) in Syria, where Saddam moved them to.  Unfortunately, Obama relied on the honor system when Assad said he got rid of them  Any fool knows they are not easily "gotten rid of".  Trust, but verify.  Obama seems to have given Muslims a pass every chance he got.


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I was referring to the nation's regimes, not their populations.  Their leaders and regimes were seen as either friend or foe.  I'd be hard pressed to name any Muslim regime Obama thought was a foe, except for the one's he wanted to replace with more progressive ones.


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