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I have hope...


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I have hope for a morning doe...a few spots have them understands and in front of blinds wind will be a factor...but if not the morning...This picture was taken 2hrs after I was out there shooting yesterday...my ladder stand is behind the cam/apple tree and my ground blind is behind that hazel nut bush those 3 deer in the back ground are 5-15 yards in front of it. right next to that blue barrel on it's side in the garden. Yep hopeful...just barely shot over a does back from that apple tree stand last year. But unlike last year..I'm seeing lots of day time doe...and they went in and flattened 1/3 of the oats with distinct beds...thats in front of another good bow stand,great gun one....


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Just now, growalot said:

I have hope for a morning doe...a few spots have them understands and in front of blinds wind will be a factor...but if not the morning...This picture was taken 2hrs after I was out there shooting yesterday...my ladder stand is behind the cam/apple tree and my ground blind is behind that hazel nut bush those 3 deer in the back ground are 5-15 yards in front of it. right next to that blue barrel on it's side in the garden. Yep hopeful...just barely shot over a does back from that apple tree stand last year. But unlike last year..I'm seeing lots of day time doe...and they went in and flattened 1/3 of the oats with distinct beds...thats in front of another good bow stand,great gun one....


Forget the does, shoot a monster tomorrow! Do it for River!

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Biz honesty here there hasn't been any save a 4pt. on the property all year, UPS guy has seen just 2  120" buck behind us...he's a trophy hunter so I trust his estimate. We have a couple of big buck hunter friends...one has an Awesome farm and was Telling Mr B he hasn't seen a buck on his property all year. Another just yearlings... Something has changed in the area...but with all these doe...come Oct 17th...things should get fun here....

 If not I'll hit camp for a weekend...

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PS.... Biz...remember last year...I couldn't get a doe in day light to save my life...save the early one that ducked me...An early Big doe ,my choice thank you DEC, is a trophy for me...they are always the ones looking up at the stands...sticking heads in the blinds ,walking around with one foot ready for that stomp...or out of sight a 100yrds away snorting at you in the dark......bucks don't give me 1/3 of the problems doe do here...:wink:

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OK I still have hope and now that I have made dinner ,a cake and did some prep work I will go to that stand in 1 1/2 hours. I will be hoping to have a deer for my, new to me, deer frig...inside dimensions...4"W 4.8" H and 2.2 D.... cut off legs and no need to even quarter hang from racks on ceiling

Good luck guys


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