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Checking at night?


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I only asked cause I had one that I wanted to move and couldn't get to it before this weekend. So last night I shined the light on a few of the surrounding fields and deer where all over so i figured what the hell. I didn't bump any but i can tell you when turkeys take off out of the roost in the pitch black it made me pucker up a bit.

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Sure , the couple times I did see deer ,I had my headlamp on full blast ,I walk through the woods either talking out loud to my dad or make enough noise not to sneak up on any deer. It seems the deer react different when you're not sneaking around. A few weeks ago my dad and I spotted 2 doe with our headlamps on and they just walked away ,if it was daytime ,they would have bolted with tails straight up.

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11 minutes ago, moog5050 said:

Less chance of bumping deer mid day and easier to see what you are doing.  Unless we are setting a cam near a stand we are hunting or on our way out, we usually do it mid day.

That's the way I normally and prefer to do it as well. I did take normal scent precautions and figured with the rain today that would hopefully wash out most of what scent I left behind. I just didn't have another time, opportunity knocked and I answered the door. 

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18 minutes ago, Lawdwaz said:

As moog mentioned, yes you can at least see deer if they were in a field but in the woods or fields you'll bump them anyway. 

Makes no difference if its dark or light........

except at least this time of year, the deer seem to be on their feet more at night than mid day

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